Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zhuge Zhan

Zhuge Zhan was the son of Huang Yueying and Zhuge Liang. When his mother died her last words to him were "Son, be filial and have piety."

He later defended the kingdom of Shu against Deng Ai's forces but was slain in battle along with his son, Zhuge Shang.

The depiction of his illfated defence of Shu capital in the , Liu Shan the Shu Han emperor begged Zhuge Zhan to think of a plan to save his . Moved by his emperors word Zhuge Zhan thought of a plan by dressing up to look like his father Zhuge Liang, the plan worked and he successfully scared off the early phase of the army in the belief that Zhuge Liang came back from the death. However, after seeing through the ruse the Wei army regrouped and attacked again which lead to Zhuge Zhan's death.

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